Since early times, man has sought various means for luring fish. Through
his endeavors, a multitude of tools have evolved - including hooks, jigs, spoons and
spinners. However, it wasn't until more recent times that wooden fishing plugs came on
the scene.
Around the late 1800's, lure makers finally recognized the benefits of working with wood.
From blocks of cedar, they shaped realistic imitations of minnows, insects, birds and other
small creatures. Soon, they began to experiment with mechanical and articulating designs,
as well as other materials, like cork, glass and rubber. Many of these creations, no matter how novel or absurd, would
at least fool fishermen. And so, an industry was formed.
In the spirit of free enterprise, countless manufacturers seemed to spring up over night.
By the early 1900's, the fishing tackle industry was firmly established. Below are various
examples of lures and boxes from these early American lure makers.
Click on any of the makers shown here to see
some of my miscellaneous lure collection.